Tuesday, 4 March 2014

March 2014

Monthly total (each run is rounded down to the nearest whole): 166km over 10 runs.
Yearly total: 411km over 32 runs (2013 total:799 km)

30th March (25km)
Another tough run but at least I made it back home again this time. I've been focussed on carbs all week and started off the run with half an energy bar and tried to scoff a half a bar every half an hour. Energy wise it really helped (at least I think it did). My hydration was also good as I took my Kriega with 1l of water and 2 Capri Suns. Still, come the end my feet were/are pretty sore, especially my left foot. Hopefully it's all part of "breaking in" my feet.

As this was the first time I've completed the whole run I'm calling a course PB - 3 hours 20.

Oh, and I ratcheted up another type of PB today - total elevation - 2589 metres.

Meanwhile, in other news, the Vienna Marathon folks told me that I'd be able to run the half instead of the full - I just have to cross the HM line at Heldenplatz. I'm determined to treat it as a normal run, rather than a race, and just enjoy the day.

25th March (16km)
And the running continues - did the Rennbanweg to home via the Island run today and ran a new course PB of 1 hour 46. Made sure to keep the pace real easy (averaged 6 mins 30 ish) and had no real problems other than a slight ache in my left knee. Am still fighting off a cold that I picked up during Saturday's run but I don't think it's affecting the run. It is affecting the post-run recovery though, as life with a runny nose ain't fun.

In other news - I'm becoming more convinced that my recent bonks are diet related (specifically a lack of carbs) so I'm working hard to double (or more) my carb intake (from about 150g a day to 3-400 a day). I'm using www.myfitnesspal.com to help me monitor food groups etc.

22nd March (20km)
The Kahlenburg Climb - Wow! OK, that was tough going. The climb up to Kahlenburg was long, tough but not as hard as I thought it was going to be. That said, I felt fresh all the way to the 20km mark and then I totally ran out of energy (again). In the end I only made it 21.5km out of the 25km (stopped at Spittalau)

Oh, and it wasn't exactly quicker either - 2 hours 50. A bloody nice run though, some technical bits, a lot of hill, with a flat warm up and cool down. I'm looking forward to running it again and reckon I can beat the time pretty easily.

Lessons learned - I have to be willing to stop and buy drinks along the way or carry more with me, same for food. I took 1 capri sun and 2 energy bars with me, should have carried one more of each.

20th March (16km)
Ran back from Rennbanweg via the river and canal today - final distance was 16km. Took me best part of 2 hours (2 hours 3 minutes even). I met John the Scotsman about 7km in and we ran together for the next 6km for so - it was his first run of the year so we took it super easy. A day off tomorrow and then I'll run again on Saturday.

Oh, and I've more or less decided to drop out of the marathon - I was way too knackered after my last long run and I'm just not prepared. I need to be able to run at least 20 miles (32km) without total exhaustion before I'm ready.

17th March (28km)
Well, I just got back from a 28k (and a wee bit more) run where I ran out of energy, utterly, at 22km. I'm reasonably sure that I beat my HM PB but my iPhone battery ran out so I've no official time. The silver lining is that I'm pretty sure my dodgy leg was less it being dodgy and more it being down to me needing to get used to the new shoes. I've a feeling I'll know a bit more tomorrow. I also warmed up a wee bit more than usual, nothing fancy, just a few minutes on the static cycle. I ran it super slow (between 6.30 and 7 per KM) and I reckon that also helped keep things more comfortable.

As for the route - I sort ran "free" aiming for the SE corner of the Canal where I hoped to find a bridge onto the Insel but I found myself on the "wrong" side of the Canal so had to turn back and cross using a bridge I'd passed a few KM back. Next time I'll know but at least, well, at least I know. I did manage to eyeball the bridge I want to use though, but it's at least another 2km more down the river. Next time.

Had to fight my way through the woods at times, some pretty rough going.

and then I saw a tree....

13th March
Am meant to, and want to, do a 14.5km run today but my leg (left as usual) is still twingy so I think I'm gonna be sensible and run tomorrow instead. Today I'll focus on playing catchup with my planks and pushups.

11th March (11km)
The leg's still sore but I reckon it's just an ache to be pushed through, albeit tenderly, so I put in the scheduled 11km today (in 1 hour 15) and then another run, in the evening, with a friend, of 8km (ish) in 1 hour 18. As I said, the runs were slow. In other news, I'm lagging behind in the planking and press-ups - 2 days behind to be precise - that's some serious catching up that I need to do......tomorrow. I've also decided to count calories this week, as accurately as I can, for a week. So far it's fairly apparent that I need to eat a wee bit more on running days and a wee bit less, or at least a wee bit healthier, on my off days. I'll post the final results on day 7.

9th March (16.5)
Decisions, decisions! Should I take one day off now or two? The run went OK, I did the planned 16.5 run, wasn't exactly fast but I still ran a course PB (1 hour 58 mins). Endo (and Runkeeper) reported the run as being almost 18km...no idea what's going on there. Anyway,  it's time to reset the run-cycle - I'll drop the shorter run and add a longer one so that makes next week's runs as being an 11k, a 14.5km, a 16.5km and a 22km. I need to remember to two energy bars on the 22km run (the 16.5km only needs one) but, I  think, just one juice will be OK. For now I've given up on running with the Kriega but I'll pick it up again after the marathon.

7th March (14km)
Another course PB - ran the Lusthaus (a tad over 14km) in 1 hour 26 which is almost 5 minutes quicker than my previous course best. Am feeling some slight twinges in my left leg but am hoping to stretch it out before Sunday's run. Still doing the squats but I feel as if I need to add a few more reps. Am also still planking - up to 150 seconds and I'm doing 3 sets of pushups each day (am up to 12 continuous now but it's hard going).

5th March (11km)
Another day and another 11km. Ran at a slightly slower pace than I did the 7km. I swear my body seems to sense how far I intend to run and adjust pace accordingly. My course PB is 1 hour 2, but I ran in 1 hour 4 - not that bad I guess. Feet wise, the pain I felt in my metatarsal (left) area is just a very dull ache - barely significant and certainly nothing worth stopping for. Next run is Friday and it'll be a 14.5 (that's to the Lusthaus and back). It's a nice run as about half of it is on easy trail and the weather's looking reasonable (low double digits with some sun)

3rd March 2014 (9km)
And I was off - again. First run in 13 days and I was off like a rocket (well, compared to my usual). My new shoes (Brooks Ghost 6s in wide fitting - pic below) felt really good, although it was pretty apparent that my custom insoles (the things that stop my high arches collapsing) were, or had, come to the end of their days. I'd decided to ease back into it a bit, being wary of how my feet would react to the new shoes so I'm back to running every other day (a change from 4 on, 3 off) and I've also decided to run in a 4 route pattern - so I'll run 9k, then 11k, then 14.5 and then 16.5. Next "week" I'll run 11k, then 14.5, then 16.5 and then something longer. To put it another way I'll always drop off the shorter run and add a longer run to the end, repeating, as it were, the 2 in the middle. It makes sense in my head. It should add some interest to my runs, in terms of the running but also the planning (which I enjoy in a nerdlike way)

Anyway, the run - it was my 114th run and my previous personal best on that course was 56 minutes (remember I round the time up and the miles down). This time I ran it in 53 minutes! Smashed that PB! (it was actually 9.5km in 52.32 according to Endo).

After the run I noticed a fair amount of pain in the metatarsal region of my left foot, that's what prompted me to consider changing the insoles. So off I went to my local Bstándig (the best advice I've found so far in Vienna) and then suggested I head off to their competence centre in the 17th....roll the clock forward to the 4th and eh voila! Up bright and early (well, ish) and I was sat down with Ernest. As well as taking a new impression he also tweaked my old insoles - breathed some life back into them as it were and the area under my metatarsals really feels supportive now. The new orthotics should be ready on Friday but I'll try an 11km run tomorrow and see how it goes.

5 weeks, 4 days, 19 hours to the marathon.

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