Monthly total: 113km over 6 runs
Yearly total: 202km over 16 runs (2014 total 944: 2013 total:808 km)
31st May, 2015
The training continues apace - plugged out two runs this week to end the month on a respectable 113km. This last week, my post long-run recovery time was pretty quick so I squeezed in an additional 11km run. I'm now, slowly, wandering into having to carry nutrition and water so I'm considering splashing out on a Salomon pack (my brother has one and rates it). If I get it, I'll whack up a review. Food wise, a few cabanassi, some pretzels and boiled sweets seem to be seeing me through for now but I'm pondering Tailwind as my mileage steps up. Elsewhere, my shoes (Hoka's) are doing their job, I'm bracing my dodgy knee with tubigrip and the vaseline's doing what the vaseline should do.
My plans for June (which I'm writing about now because it'll let me reflect) are basically one more 24km run and then 3 x hill runs (that's the tough run from home to Kahlenberg and back). I'll try and squeeze in a few 11km run mid-week, or maybe, and preferably, go blading. 'Nuff fer now. Later peeps.
23rd May, 2015
So I've been a bit remiss in updating this blog ...a bit he says...over a year. I went through a period where it seemed impossible to run without picking up an injury - my foot, my knee, torn muscles, groin - it was ridiculous so I took an extended break and got back to running in February of this year (2015) with a brand new, spankingly shiny, training plan - 1 run a week! That's right...just one, but a long one. So every Sunday I'm off out, pounding the streets. I've worked my way up from 11km to 18km and this week I shift things up to 22km. The 6 days of rest, whilst a tad frustrating, really seem to be helping (although I do supplement the run with squats, pushups, lunges etc). I feel stronger every week.
I'm still pushing to run marathon distance and beyond and, as usual, have entered the lottery for the London Marathon - I'm not hopeful though - almost 10 years of trying unsuccessfully - I'd probably panic if I actually go in.
So I've set another, slightly more realistic -geographically realistic - target - to run the 50km from Bratislava to Vienna. It seemed perfect to me - take a €15 train ticket there and then run back - it's a gnat's chaff over marathon distance so it ticks that box as well - only one minor issue - it's not's 80km...but I've already set my mind to it....*bugger*.
My training plan, such as it is, has been altered to allow for the extra distance so now it's a 12 week training plan that adds on 3km every week (starting from the 22km run this coming Sunday). That'll take me to, roughly, 60km in 3 months time. If I make it that far, then I'll be buying that ticket.
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